Reminders History Report
You can pull a report of all of the reminders that have been sent on your behalf.
Table of Contents
You can pull a report of all of the reminders that have been sent on your behalf.
In the Biller Genie portal, navigate to Reports > Reminder History.

The tiles at the top allow you to see the volume of Reminders Today, Reminders This Month, Invoices Paid Today, and Invoices Paid this Month.

Reminders Invoice History
Use the search box to search by the Reminder Type (i.e. “immediate reminder”, “new invoice”, etc.) or to search by the Invoice Number.

Click on the up and down arrows to sort by various columns.
Use the filter icons to further define your search.
Click the Customer or Invoice # to be taken to the respective page.

Reminders Statements History
This report displays previously sent statement reminders. Clicking on the Invoice count will filter the Invoice report above to only reflect the invoices for that customer's statement period.