How To Create A Draft Invoice
Step 1
Login into the Biller Genie Merchant Portal.
Step 2
Click Add-ons in the left side menu, then click Create an Invoice.
Step 3
The New Invoice screen opens. You can update which columns are available on the new invoice from the invoice default settings in the control panel. If multiple columns are being used, the screen size may require scrolling to view all item details.

Step 4
Add a customer by clicking the drop-down in the customer field or click the +Add New Customer button below the field to quickly add a new customer that does not yet exist in Biller Genie.

If the +Add New Customer button is clicked, it will open the Add Customer screen. Once the new customer is created, you will be taken back to the New Invoice screen with that customer selected.
Step 5
Now that the customer is selected, choose the invoice date, due date, and invoice number (if applicable). Biller Genie will automatically choose the next sequential invoice number.

Step 6
Click the drop-down arrow in the Product/Service Name field to choose an existing item. If the needed item does not exist, scroll down to the bottom of the drop-down and click the +Add New Item button to quickly add the item. Click the blue +Add Line button if more than one item needs to be added to the invoice. There is no limit as to how many line items can be added to an invoice. The red -Clear Lines button will remove any empty lines that are not going to be used.

The +Add New Item button will open the Add Item screen. Once the new item is added, you will be taken back to the New Invoice screen to choose the new item from the list.
Step 7
If there are any line items on the invoice that are marked as taxable, a tax rate will be required to finalize and save the invoice. You can drag items to reorganize them by clicking the nine-square button on the left side.
Step 8
If everything on the invoice is correct, click the gold Save Draft button in the bottom right corner to save the invoice as a draft.

When an invoice is saved as a draft, it will not be sent to the customer with the invoice messenger and will not be viewable in the customer portal.
Step 9
To update a drafted invoice, navigate to the invoice that you wish to finalize. Click the blue Modify drop-down in the upper right corner. In the drop-down menu, select Edit.

Step 10
Make any needed changes to the drafted invoice. Once the changes are completed, click the blue Save Invoice button to finalize the invoice to be sent out to the customer. Click the gold Save Draft button if you are not finished with the invoice and wish to continue making changes later.